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Skibin V., Saren V., Savin H. «Turbomachines: aeroelasticity, aeroacoustics, unsteady aerodynamics»

Skibin V., Saren V., Savin H. «Turbomachines: aeroelasticity, aeroacoustics, unsteady aerodynamics» ISBN: 5-94588-041-8
Год выпуска: 2006
Издатель: Торус Пресс
Число страниц: 472
Автор(ы): Скибин В. / Сарен В. / Савин Н. / Фролов С. М.

Цена:  3 300 руб.

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The book includes 34 revised and edited articles on aeroelasticity of blades, gas-dynamics of vibrating bladerows, rotor-stator interaction, aeroacoustics, and unsteady aerodynamics of turbomachines. The book is published in connection with the 11th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines (ISUAAAT-2006) held in Moscow, Russia, September 4-8, 2006.

The volume is addressed to research scientists dealing with unsteady processes in turbomachines and power plant designers and engineers.

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