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DeLuca L., Bonnal C. «Progress in Propulsion Physics, Vol. 4 EUCASS book series»

DeLuca L., Bonnal C. «Progress in Propulsion Physics, Vol. 4 EUCASS book series» ISBN: 978-2-7598-0876-2
Год выпуска: 2013
Число страниц: 888
Автор(ы): Де Люка Л. Т. / Боннал К. / Хайдн О. / Фролов С. М.

Цена:  6 675,00 руб.

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The book contains 42 selected, revised and thoroughly edited papers addressing various issues of propulsion physics written by world-known experts. The papers include critical analyses of previous studies and controversial aspects of novel propulsion concepts, new theoretical and experimental results and findings as well as numerous references to archival publications worldwide. The book is organized in 8 chapters: (1) Solid and Hybrid Rocket Propulsion; (2) Liquid and Gelled Rocket Propulsion; (3) Nuclear and Electric Rocket Propulsion; (4) Air-Breathing and Pulse Detonation Propulsion; (5) Combustion Diagnostics and Modeling; (6) Fluid/Structure Interactions; (7) Environmental Impact of Rocket Emissions; and (8) Mitigation and Removal of Space Debris. The volume was prepared as a reference for research scientists and practicing engineers in the field of aerospace propulsion.

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