ISBN: 978-5-94588-277-5
Год выпуска: 2020
Число страниц: 64
2 000 руб.
(нет на складе)
Bioenergetics in its main initial discoveries stemmed from the science developed in the Soviet Union before
the World War 2. Later, it became one of the most popular biological sciences in the world basing on fundamental
knowledge of biology, physics, and biochemistry. Bioenergetics impressively flourished in the second
part of the XX century which was rewarded with two Nobel prizes directly related to bioenergetics. Basic
principles of bioenergetics as a science exploring production, transmission, and transduction of energy in
living cells became irrefutable due to efforts of scientists all over the world with great contributions of Russian
scientists. Professor Vladimir Skulachev belongs to these people with numerous discoveries which put his
name among main world scientific leaders not only in bioenergetics but also in related biomedical disciplines.
Basically, he established his own and unique school which has been dissipated over the world still leaving
main home in A. N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology at Moscow State University. Number of
Prof. Skulachev’s discoveries is so vast that to cover all subjects related to his findings, many conferences devoted
to his activity had to include in their numerous sessions a great variety of topics which was a demonstration
of multifacet activity of this Russian scientific leader. The conference “Homo sapiens liberatus” is one of
such examples covering consideration of many sides of biomedical science closely related to bioenergetics. In
its two meetings in the past occurred 5 and 10 years ago, this conference showed that it can collect scientific
brains across the world who not only can discuss current state of biological science but also suggest a main
road for further discoveries.
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