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G. Roy, S. Frolov, K.Kailasanath, N.N. Smirnov, eds. «Gaseous and heterogeneous detonations: Science to applications»

G. Roy, S. Frolov, K.Kailasanath, N.N. Smirnov, eds. «Gaseous and heterogeneous detonations: Science to applications» ISBN: 5-89055-016-0
Год выпуска: 1999
Издатель: ЭНАС
Число страниц: 365
Автор(ы): Рой Г. Д. / Фролов С. М. / Кайласанат К. / Смирнов Н. Н.

Цена:  1 500 руб.

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G.D. Roy, Office of Naval Research, Arligton, VA, USA,
S.M. Frolov, N.N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia,
K.Kailasanath, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA, and
N.N. Smirnov, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Demands on engines used for propulsion and stationary power are continuously increasing, since current applications involve extreme operating conditions and wide variations in load. It is time to focus attention of researchers on engine concepts alternative to piston engines, gas turbines and ramjets. Considering the rapid energy release, flexibility, easy scalability, and low fuel consumption, engines based on pulsed detonation waves offer a significant potential. Twenty-four selected papers on various aspects of detonation physics, chemistry, and practical applications are presented in this book in five parts: Detonation Initiation, Detonation Wave Structure and Propagation, Detonation Mitigation and Control, Applications of Detonation Phenomena, and Detonability of Advanced Fuels. Elucidated in this book are the recent advances made in understanding detonation wave initiation, propagation, mitigation, and control through experimental and computational studies.The papers were selectedfrom those presented at the International Colloquium on Advanced Experimentation & Computation of Detonations held in St.-Petersburg, September 14-17, 1998, and were revised and edited. The Colloquium was co-sponsored by the US Office of Naval Research (ONR), ONR International Field Office Europe, European Research Office of the US Army, Combustion Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, and ENAS Research & Education Co. The volume is intended to be a tool to explore the international state of the art and an avenue for further follow-up for the researchers and practicing engineers, and as a text for advanced graduate courses in detonation.

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