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Roy G., Frolov S. «Deflagrative and Detonation combustion»

Roy G., Frolov S. «Deflagrative and Detonation combustion» ISBN: 978-5-94588-071-9
Год выпуска: 2010
Издатель: Торус Пресс
Число страниц: 520
Автор(ы): Рой Г. Д. / Фролов С. М.

Цена:  2 200 руб.

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Jet propulsion engines and technological burners of new generation operating on controlled continuous and pulse detonations are becoming a subject of pragmatic interest worldwide. The concept of a detonation engine or burner implies that chemical energy of liquid or gaseous fuel is released in a detonative rather than deflagrative combustion mode. In the detonative mode, energy release rates approach 1010 W/m2, i.e. 3 to 4 orders of magnitude higher than in the deflagrative mode. In detonation-driven jet propulsion engines, propagating or rotating detonation waves are utilized to produce the thrust due to rapid burning of fuel in a combustion chamber resulting in a nearly constant-volume heat addition process accompanied with the high kinetic energy of emanating jets. The detonation-based technological burners are designed to utilize a combination of the destructive mechanical potential of periodic shock waves generated by the burner and high-temperature high-speed jets of combustion products for fragmentation and gasification of various materials, waist, etc. The concept of controlled detonative combustion is attractive, first of all, for reduced fuel consumption, simplicity, and easy scaling. Also, it is attractive for the reduced pollutants emissions due to volumetric-type combustion and significantly shorter residence times in a combustor.

This volume contains original articles and provides up-to-date information on fundamentals of deflagrative and detonative combustion as well as applications of detonation to pulse and continuous detonation propulsion written by world-known experts. The articles are edited and organized in five parts:

(1) Fundamentals of Combustion; (2) Fundamentals of Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition; (3) Fundamentals of Detonation; (4) Pulse Detonation Engines; and (2) Continuous detonation engines

The volume is prepared as a reference for research scientists and practicing engineers in the field of combustion and propulsion, and can be useful as an advanced graduate level text on detonation fundamentals and applications.

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