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Troitskiy А., Rusin L., Aljoshin V. «Molecular Phylogenetics: Contributions to the 3rd Moscow Internaional Conference Molecular Phylogenetics. MOLPHY book series»

Troitskiy А., Rusin L., Aljoshin V. «Molecular Phylogenetics: Contributions to the 3rd Moscow Internaional Conference Molecular Phylogenetics. MOLPHY book series» ISBN: 978-5-94588-118-1
Год выпуска: 2012
Число страниц: 172
Автор(ы): Троицкий А.В. / Русин Л.Ю. / Алешин В.В.

Цена:  800 руб.

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Knowledge of phylogeny is of fundamental importance in evolutionary studies, from the reconstruction of the Tree of Life to revealing and understanding the laws of body plan formation (the evodevo realm), to describing the patterns and processes of microevolution. The discipline of phylogenetics has evolved radically in the capi-talizing on theore-tical and methodological breakthroughs in analyses and algorithms, on the exponential increase in molecular data, and on the availability of vast computing power to enter the phylogenomic era. A solid methodolo-gical framework for phylogenomic analysis is emerging, applying data derived from whole genomes to problems in deep phylogeny, functional genomics, speciation and divergence, and phylogeography. The 3rd Moscow International Conference Molecular Phylogenetics (MolPhy-3) provided a stimulating platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences, cross-disciplinary interactions, and longterm national and international collaborations. Its major focus was to discuss the modern state of molecular phylogenetics and systematics, the interfaces between molecu-lar and phenosystematics, molecular phylogenetics of different organisms, and the development of natural classification systems.

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Nicola La Porta
3rd Moscow International Conference "Molecular Phylogenetics" (MolPhy-3). Moscow
2012: Torus Press

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We do not sell electronic "Molphy-3" book. If you are interested in one of the published papers and you need a digital copy please inform us and we will contact the author.
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